Thursday, August 7, 2008

What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.

That which we call Chandler by any other name would smell ... as sweet? sometimes sweet, sometimes stink!

Bug, Piglet, Buglet, Bug-a-Boo, Stink Weed, Squirt, Scooter ... all these refer to my sweet Chandler ... I realized I call him these little nicknames more often then his own name.

Some of these names might be obvious of how they came to be ... like Stink Weed or Bug-a-Boo is just an elongated name of Bug which he obtained in the NICU from his nurses. They would wrap him up so tight and snug like a bug in a rug ... Squirt on the other hand came from a memorable diaper change at Grandma's house. Grandma was changing his diaper and in the mere seconds it took to clean him up he let a little squirt (of pee), which has happened to all of us Moms with boys. She cleaned up the mess from that squirt and strategically placed a peepee tepee over the source of ammunition. She waited patiently while orchestrating a new plan of attack. She proceeded to finish her mission and removed the shield and again, SQUIRT, all over the carpet. Assuming the little mongrel was out of ammo she pressed forward like any good soldier. Little did she know that defeat was imminent. SQUIRT, SQUIRT, SQUIRT again ... a total of three squirts soiling the carpet, clean diaper, bassinet and Chandler. My little Squirt was victorious in Project Diaper Change this August day at Grandma's house.

Scooter he got because ... well the kid can scoot. I put him down in his crib every night with a little blankie and position him ever so nice and comfy. When I go to get him out he is in a corner, inverted and all the blankets abandoned at the other end. It's like when you go to the zoo and you have to look all over the enormous cage to find the little tiny lizard in one tiny little corner of a huge cage. That's like looking for Chandler in his crib every morning ... he scoots all over the place.

I am going to take a picture tomorrow morning to post with this. The scooting, not the squirting. So stay tuned ...

1 comment:

Jess said...

Scooter, thats funny! I can't wait to see the picture.. Post it post it...