Monday, August 11, 2008

My Ode to Dustin

Dustin Green and I met at 24 Hour Fitness in the parking lot one early morning back in July of 2005. He showed up to work the desk that morning at 6am and came walking out of the building as I was walking in and said," You must be Keena." I replied, "Yep." He responded, "Wish someone would have called when the schedule was changed." I smiled and kept walking. That was the end of our conversation. Three years later we are still friends although neither of us can remember how our friendship grew from those three sentences in the parking lot to what it is today.

The other day I mentioned that I started blogging and Dustin insisted that I post a blurb about him, being that we are friends and all. So here it is Dustin, my ode to you.

Dustin and I have lots of fun memories together ... Like the time I had to drive home from Wyoming at 6am because he no showed at work. That was a treat. No really, we have laughed over lunch many times, he is my Trivial Pursuit rival, once I woke up on my couch after a long night of competitive game board playing with his feet in face as he was asleep at the other end. Eeeww! We spent New Years 2006 together, however, I almost left because with in an hour of arriving at the club Dustin spilled a 32 ounce beer right in my lap. It was either leave or let dry. Later that night my date complained that I reeked of nasty beer. Ah well. Worse things cold happen like, makin' out with your date and falling out of bed ... hypothetical of course. That did not actually happen to me. Okay it did. That story is for a whole other post though.One thing I like about D is that we can have conflicting opinions about things such as, who is better at Trivial Pursuit, or politics and world issues and it never gets heated. Just a conversation amongst friends. I am usually right though but we respect the others opinion none the less. Even though I am right. Did I already mention that? HA.

Dustin is currently in the Air Force doing something I don't understand ... He either works on planes, with planes, or under planes, maybe in planes, or is it with computers? I dunno. He is stationed in Washington state most of the time.

So this blurb is for you ... I miss you Friend.

This picture above was in 2005.

These two pictures, the one above and the one below are from 2006. In 2008 he looks exactly the same. I assure you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Kenna - Carole sent me a link to your blog. I have not read all of it yet. Wanted to say hello and congratulations on your new life as a mother. - Landon