Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I Voted ...

As I was placing my vote early this morning, a small event that happened yesterday at work popped in my brain and I thought being voting day it would be an appropriate story to share with my four readers.
I was giving company to a young patient on our unit of the age of seven. She was resisting a much needed nap with every fiber in her body. I suggested that her parents were napping, and so should she. I explained the nurses were napping, and so should she. I insisted the doctors were napping, and so should she. I stated that I was going to nap, and so should she. I mentioned that her sister was napping, and so should she. She looked up at me and said, "Is Obama napping ?"
If you have not already, don't forget to vote Americans.


Unknown said...

This just goes to show that it's never too early to indoctrinate our young ones in the right colors of our political system.

Erika said...

I love this story. I sent it around my whole office and everyone agrees the best story of the day!