Me and Annabelle have an understanding ... She does not poop in the house and I in return let her out anytime she so desires. I leave the door cracked so she can nudge it open and let herself back in after she takes care of business. This morning I heard the squeak of the door, I said my usually good morning to her. She usually comes and peers in my room with her salutations that almost always are in the form of a foot bath. This morning it did not go quite like that. I shouted out to her and all I heard was ruckus. I got up to see what the source of all the noise pollution was and this is what I discovered .....

She invited a friend over for breakfast ... with out asking. The strange mutt made herself right at home as you can see. Helping herself to Annabelle's breakfast. The nerve.
Uninvited guests are the worst! Annabelle is just trying to make friends, she's been kind of lonely lately with all your affections going to that 6 pound THING you call a baby! She doesnt appreciate his cuteness.
Some feedback: As you know, I've referred your blog to several of my friends and here's some of what's been told to me: three appreciated and have used some of the hints on your post of August 1: "How wonderful it is that nobody need wait . . .", two have actually adopted some of the recommendations, and one will probably get into the compost thing. So you see, you are making a difference!
Love you.
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