He has toys and cartoons yet he sits in the corner with the dog. Boys will be boys.

I left my cell phone at Jessica's house last night and I am with Mattie today and she can't call me ... So I have to post multiple blogs about Mattie so she can "hover" ...
So, I keep a pretty clean house but Matthew found the most dirty things and decided to play with them ... items such as ...
- Annabelle's stuffed animal that is full of dried dog slobber
- Annabelle's caller that I just took off this morning that has been on her neck for some 5 years
- the dog water bowl
- and lastly the dust pan
Don't worry Jess ... I have been disinfecting between play sessions.

oh, he's so cute! He seems to be enjoying himself quite well.. dirt or no dirt!!
okay best friend...i had to google your blog since you hadn't ever emailed it to me... but now that i've seen the way cute pix of chandler and that you mentioned me in a blog *blushes and smiles sweetly* you are forgiven!! miss seeing you :)
okay, thats it, whose this "AMY" person, and why is she calling you "best friend?" I'm so offended! I get "best friend" title, and you should NOT be throwing it around like its yesterday's paper! sheesh!
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