Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I am a Mouse, Trying to be a Rat ...

That I am ... Monday through Thursday I play the Mouse, happily mind you. Obeying orders and so forth.
Late Thursday until late Sunday I transform to the rat ... learning, absorbing, gnawing at all and any info I can.
I, however, will be the rat for some days to come ... and a mouse for now I will settle.

The table before I study (to be a rat)

The table WHEN I am studying to be the Rat.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

In My Opinion ... We Won the Lottery

January 20, 2009 Barack Obama is inaugurated into the presidency of the Unites State of America ... my home sweet home.

Writing this entry gives my chills, partly for the encouraging and unwritten times ahead and partly for the symbolic evidence that Man can change and grow. I see the inauguration of liberal Democrat Barack Obama as positive, remarkable and historic.

Sixty years ago, black people used different doors and entries, sat at the back of a public bus and so on ... and today, a mere 60 some years later we inaugurate the first African American President into office. Whoo-Hoo ... come on, say it with Me, Whoo-Hoo.

Change, in our life time, it's priceless to witness.

An Ode to Love ...

We had a little four year old admitted last night on my shift. After we got him all settled, his Mom came to his side with some chicken strips with ketchup for the ravish hungry toddler. The boy looked at his meal with approval and instinctively looked up at his Mom ans said,"Thanks Mom ... I love you more than ketchup."
Now that is what I call a strong bond.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Many Faces of Chandler ...

We have been trying to get some cute photos of Chandler and this is a small sample of what we have ....


What you lookin' at ?

Bitter 'milk' face.

I will no way no how remove this dangling toy from my mouth while you take your photos.

What the ??

Snow Shoeing

After two phone calls asking if Aston and I wanted to accompany her snowshoeing in Millcreek Canyon and two polite declinations, my relentless mother made a third and successful attempt at enticing us into the afternoon outing. In a nut shell, she called and said she would pay. We accepted.
It was a lot of fun and the weather was agreeable. We have gone up twice now and are in the market for an infant sleigh so that Chandler Man can come along too. We have seen all kinds of infant transporting devices that can be used in snow, but I think we are leaning towards the sled.