"A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for."
- Keena Aston left town for an entire long month for work. So I have been keeping busy with my studies and Chandler. I am putting together a package to send to Aston as he is in a small town in Colorado called Rifle ... as in the gun ... the only thing they have in Rifle is ........ are you dying to know, a Wal-Mart. Leave it to Wal-Mart to go ahead and get a head start on the monopolization of small town business wiping out any small business owners lively hood even before the city reaches a population of 8000. Current population of Rifle is something like 7,300. Keep in mind that this population is spread over the same area as the Salt Lake Valley stretching about 40 miles by 45 miles. They all must work at Wal-Mart because Aston says he has only seen about 30 people and that was at the Wal-Mart or the liquor store. Any who, so I went over to Jessica's house and she suggested we (and I mean her, because I helpeed less than any) make cookies to send to my honey.
So I am getting ready to send his package and these are some of the photos I am sending him. It occurred to me I have not posted them on the blog, so here.
Impromptu photo shoot on Jessica's coffee table.

Chandler, Yes it is rude to stick out one's tongue.

Chandler wanted to be a happy cow from California for Halloween. I think he pulled it off. He was worried that no body would recognize him, so every where he went he said, "Hey, It's me Chandler."