We wanted to see the Mayan pyramids but it was 3 hours away, so we did what any tourist would do and booked the trip on a tour bus filled with Corona's and snacks ... to help kill the 3 hour commute of course.
Me and Chandler doing our thing.
Tired kids after the Rendezvous
Aubrey, Shilo, and Chase and his 10 gallon hat at the Rendezvous.
The energy coming from the spectaters was fun and entertaining. One lady held a sign that said "Go Humans" another man sang a song with lyrics of "Run Run Run, Fun Fun Fun, You can do it." he sang at the top of his lungs over and over. Kids lined the streets with theirs palms out awaiting high fives from the runners.
I am very glad that I was able to be apart of this race and what it stood for. Once in a life time opportunity. Well, unless Nike does it again.
Race Stats:
Gunther Weidlinger from Munich came in 1st with a time of 29'25" That's about 12.8 minute mile.
Angela Roerkohl from Munich was the first female with a time of 31'09"
Keena Hemphill from the SLC came in 208,424 with a time of 1:32'14".
487,347 ... number of runners world wide.
2 days ... that's how long it took Keena's body to calm down post run.
I'd Like To Thank ...
My Mom for watching my baby boy all night and Jessica who watched him on Monday and took some awsome pictures of him ... check it out people. There on her blog for September 1st.